It obtains the primes p and q, and multiplies them to get the modulus n. It then creates a matrix using powers of 2 and random 1024-bit numbers. The matrix is exponentiated with the flag, and every element in the matrix is in an integer ring modulo n. We are given the elements of the resulting matrix.
Notice that this is an upper triangular matrix. As a result, the diagonal entries are just multiplied with themselves every time we perform the matrix multiplication. In other words, c[0][0]=2flagmodn, c[2][2]=4flagmodn, c[4][4]=8flagmodn.
By property of modulo, we also have the following:
Therefore, we can get a multiple of n (and thereafter n) using
We also need to verify that it is 1024 bits long.
For c[0][1], notice that it follows the following sequence: 1, 4, 12, 32 as i = 1, 2, 3, 4 etc
Let c[0][0] be a0. In one round of matrix multiplication,
So with the i-th power,
Now that we know n, and that c[0][0]=2imodn,c[0][1]=i×2i−1modn,
2×c[0][1]modn=i×2imodn. If we know the modular inverse of c[0][0], say x, then
More simply,
Which gives us our flag!
The solve script is as follows:
from sage.all import *
from Crypto.Util.number import *
# c[0][0]
two_power_flag = 34285747519707996626385667339662460790207453899564234933279840884637317470277963204844978855648863282661822817842406467276103235437115285776600339324582650206354227684286926765912841373720037206104315460984467834472878792871363724319500026730744559032592830317957861116684230815080884748210510265257121727411
# c[2][2]
four_power_flag = 80891788386112939497749276978496951092908047537517752191112348346041605282820278415204830919700840360371114407873821260986140627885494462923855784343766007471406691139724032186081486065167152331309928933439563087594932165713814698240940689654799590764311096627705559355661741126880749623083953480524440103996
# c[4][4]
eight_power_flag = 36580210170460317737762146444885635769591964296289890711389087000847139534806165797517572963756420701630101713343229692997790887039708011239887899158602488099058023454307392387825436996066794401349180417178870019892425641929320878895403740655587101563655595067050855919740156100994268635382369423383067032821
n = GCD(GCD(pow(two_power_flag, 2) - four_power_flag, pow(two_power_flag, 3) - eight_power_flag), pow(four_power_flag, 3) - pow(eight_power_flag, 2))
# bit length still not 1024, need to find a small factor and divide it
n = n // 5
x = 82389813574193236731268728055226346949935905889688170425892513962291738546070054175286986817742962125712704451033935523159914920684418980229184675189392660990212113237529057511102468180315624316711603102279872782413287481544411903032504611191117588506754985276936284421146109462510942343677179125102460355334
flag = 2 * x * inverse(two_power_flag, n) % n
# L3AK{jordan_normal_matrix_is_so_special_86351adeff}